Sunday, July 1, 2012

Japan Day 1

Fun Fact: Those giant carts that carry your luggage (and that you have to pay for in the United States, yet continue to be free in Asia) can in fact ride the escalator. Take note before you wait 15 minutes in the line for an elevator. Especially if you wait 15 minutes to use an ATM that won't accept your card when the ATM that was one the floor that you were previously on will happily do so.

Fun Fact 2: Make sure your cell phone will be able to text Japanese numbers. And if yours doesn't, hope that God is shining on you (even in the rain). Especially when you are carrying 2 checked and 2 carry-on pieces of luggage (and you are 5'3''). And that the sunshine from God comes in the form of a friend who is from Japan with the ability to help you.
First Picture of Narita Airport

First Successful ATM Withdrawal: 50,000円 or approximately $600 USD

First sushi in Japan

大きいすし。Salmon with onion and [a shit ton of] mayo.

Final Fun Fact: When Japanese people tell you that Tokyo is humid, they aren't lying.

More fun facts:
教える おしえる  teach
将来 しょうらい  (near) future
嘘 うそ lie
無料 むりょう free

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